প্রশ্ন : 1.. If someone knows that his wife is involved in extra marrital affair what should the husband do?2.. in such situation if the wife confesses on forceful query that she was involved and even did coitus with so called lover what the husband should do?

উত্তর :

1+2. It is not necessary (wise) to divorce(Talaq) a wife or separate her on any of the two conditions mentioned in the question. If she repents sincerely then she can be forgiven (it is better to forgive her). But if she is not controlled or even after the repentance, hatred comes into your mind (you do not feel content/ satisfied with her actions) and it becomes impossible to get along with her, then you can give her Talaq.-Sunane nasayee, hadis no 3465; Albahrur rayeq 6/273; Annahrul fayeq 2/199; Fatwaye darul uloom deobond 9/74.
